In one of those unfortunate ironies in life, the man who was involved in researching the benefits of cGP has now come to use it on a daily basis for his own health battle.
Now retired, Ernest worked at Auckland University at the Centre for Brain Research for many decades, especially looking at how cGP can help stroke victims. Diagnosed with diabetes, Ernest is working hard to manage the disease and its impact on his body and knows that his cGP levels play an important role in this.
A well-known symptom of diabetes is loss of feeling in the legs and feet as a result of a lack of blood and oxygen circulating around the body. Without this essential circulation, nerve endings start to die, which results in thinning of the skin and numbness in the limbs.
Knowing this, Ernest wasn’t too surprised when a regular trip to the podiatrist revealed through a ‘touch test’ that he was losing sensitivity in his feet. The situation deteriorated and it got to the point where the podiatrist could get to work on his feet and he would feel almost nothing at all.
Ernest knew that this wasn’t good news.
Lack of blood supply to the legs and feet is a common symptom for people with diabetes and the consequences can be severe, sometimes resulting in amputation.
Knowing from his research that cGP occurs naturally in the body, but decreases with age, Ernest started taking cGP Max™ to help boost his cGP levels, which would in turn help provide oxygen to his brain and nerve-endings.